Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 5

Hullo dears!!

So sorry i haven't written anything!! I've been awfully sick, and honestly just too lazy to post anything!! :\

Well, I won't post schedules of what I've eaten, but I'll just say all I've eaten these 3 days have been all natural bean soup and a sandwhich with natural peanut butter and agave. Yay. Not really. The soup was great, I mean I guess it all was, but when I'm sick, nothing tastes good....

Ohh I lied. Today for lunch I had the stuff, lentils over rice with lettuce and tomato? I think I told you about that meal "day two"..

I have also not had any sexycise. DARN.

Ohh I almost forgot. The lovely Ellie asked me an interesting question. She asked if I went on this diet solely to gain weight. No. I didn't. I do wish to gain weight, but I went on this diet to be healthy. To feel better all around.

You see, I think there's something I haven't explained. As you know, I'm anorexic of sorts. I am 5' 5'' and only weigh 100lb. I should weigh 125lb. I'm 25 pounds underweight, and that's A LOT. So much that I have lost my period, get nausea and headaches every day (and other symptoms), pass out every time I stand up, my limbs turn blue from lack of circulation, and you can FREAKING SEE MY RIBS. Yahh!!! It's horrible...

I just can't seem to gain weight, no matter how much I eat. So I figured if I decide to eat healthy food, maybe it would bring me to my optimum weight, or in other words, I'd gain weight. Also, I just want to be healthy!! I'm tired of feeling awful all the time!! And not just my symptoms from being severely underweight. I'm tired of feeling sluggish and lazy and heavy (not in a literal sense, but I think you know what I mean)...

So I hope that cleared up any problems... Please pray I get back on my feet by tomorrow!!! It's been 3 1/2 days and I'm getting sick (pardon the pun) of being sick...



1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm so sorry! That must be absolutely terrible! I'm praying For you, and I hope you get better really soon! I wonder if eating healthier foods is going to work, so I look forward to finding out!


Stay strong, beautiful, Fearless, and healthy!! (: