Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 2

Thoughts: Today was a bit harder than yesterday. I had many cravings for potato chips and chocolate, and almost gave up on The Earth Diet altogether, but my stubbornness won out (: I learned a lot about myself today. I learned that I can be quite week if I don't care about something, but strong if I use my stubbornness as a tool (:

Breakfast: oatmeal with organic, natural rice milk and blackberries on top, strawberries, pineapple, pecans and walnuts

Lunch: cooked lentils (nothing added but cayene pepper, spike, and onion salt) over rice, with lettuce, tomatoes, and natural salsa.

Snacks: left over chocolate peanut butter balls

Supper: 100% whole wheat bread with all natural peanut butter (just peanuts and salt) and agave.

Sexycise: none, unfortunately..

This evening I came down with a fever, so I drank a potion my sister made for me: lemon tea with squeezed lemon juice in it and crushed garlic. It was disgusting! But its good for you, and is a natural antibiotic. I then took a bath (my sister prepared it for me too) with eucalyptice (I spelled that wrong, I know... :/) and spearmint oil in it (they have healing properties and some sort of healing incense burning and I watched Anne of Green Gables: the Sequel and studied phonetics (I'm fascinated with speech, weird I know. I study it for fun!).. sooo relaxing and amazing (: I feel better now, but I still feel stiff and sore and achy, so I'm going to read a bit and then head to bed.

Have a good sleep (: muahhh!

Stay beautiful!! (:

posted from Bloggeroid

1 comment:

  1. This is really very fascinating. My family actually eats very differently than this suggests. We've learned that carbohydrates are what make you fat (it's proved, and explained in the movie Fat Head), so we don't eat breads, rices, noodles, and things like that very much anymore. I wonder, are you taking this diet to try to get larger (Idk why anyone would want to do that, but still)? Or, are you doing to get smaller, or just to stay healthy? cause i guess i would say unless you're like 300 pounds and only 14, getting skinnier is ridiculous... I eat with the knowledge that I need to stay healthy, and that's that for me.
    your evil twin sista ellie <3


Stay strong, beautiful, Fearless, and healthy!! (: